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Featured articles in "Behavior analysis"

AI-based credit scoring

  • Michal Krňák
    Michal Krňák
  • 1 min read
In my last post dedicated to using cases in insurance and how can help to strengthen the investigation process, I mentioned 10% of lying users while filling in an online form. This problem concerns an online loan application process too.

Recent articles in "Behavior analysis"

Most frequent use cases our Zoe.AI tool addresses

  • Michal Krňák
    Michal Krňák
  • 2 min read
Usually, in my posts, I focus on a specific use case and focus on its detail. This time I decided to give you an overview of the most frequent use cases and business issues where Zoe.AI can help.

AI-based credit scoring

  • Michal Krňák
    Michal Krňák
  • 1 min read
In my last post dedicated to using cases in insurance and how can help to strengthen the investigation process, I mentioned 10% of lying users while filling in an online form. This problem concerns an online loan application process too.

How to identify suspicious aspects of online behavior

  • Michal Krňák
    Michal Krňák
  • 1 min read
Create a unique biometric profile and enable the behavioral prescoring.

Wahooo! has a brand new dashboard!

  • Michal Krňák
    Michal Krňák
  • 1 min read
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